Bagley Creek

Bagley Creek has its origins at Heather Meadows and is fed by the deep snowpack that piles up on the slopes of Table Mountain and Mount Herman. As it leaves Heather Meadows, it drops quickly down the valley to the North Fork Nooksack River below. There are no trails and so this exploration is purely cross-country travel. I’m intrigued by what I saw and plan on investigating further..

Bagley Creek
Bagley Creek
Bagley Creek
All three of these photos were produced using the Essential HDR (High Dynamic Range) software program. The bright snow (there were periods of direct sunlight) marked with the darker areas of the forest really provide the photographer with a challenge for proper exposure. Photos #1 and #3 were processed using just the original RAW image. The second photo had more of a challenge so I used Adobe Camera RAW in Photoshop Elements to produce three versions of this image- +2 exposure, base expsosure, and -2 exposure. The three image were then brought into Essential HDR for tone balancing.

This second image was quite a challenge due to the “blue” cast to the snowbank on the left side of the photo.

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